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How to Use TypeScript to Make Your First Command Line Tool

Published: at 05:08 AM

How to Use TypeScript to Make Your First Command Line Tool

TypeScript has rapidly gained popularity among developers for its powerful features that enhance JavaScript’s capabilities, including static typing and advanced type inference. These features not only improve the developer experience but also result in more reliable and maintainable codebases. When it comes to building command-line tools, TypeScript offers several benefits, such as early error detection, better editor support, and easier refactoring. This guide will walk you through creating your first command-line tool using TypeScript, from setting up your project to execution and debugging.


TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, compiles down to plain JavaScript. It brings strong typing and object-oriented development to the JavaScript world, making it an excellent choice for developing complex applications, including command-line tools. The type system in TypeScript is designed to help you catch errors during development, long before your code goes into production. This introductory guide aims to leverage TypeScript’s capabilities to create a robust command-line tool.


Installing TypeScript First, ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine, as it’s required to run TypeScript and its compiler. Once Node.js is set up, install TypeScript globally on your system using npm (Node Package Manager):

npm install -g typescript

Initializing Your Project Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it:

mkdir my-cli-tool
cd my-cli-tool

Initialize a new Node.js project by running:

npm init -y

This command creates a package.json file in your project directory. Next, install the TypeScript compiler locally to your project:

npm install --save-dev typescript

Initialize a TypeScript project to create a tsconfig.json file, which configures your TypeScript compiler options:

tsc --init


Writing Your Tool’s Logic Create a new file named index.ts in your project directory. This file will contain the logic for your command-line tool. For example, if you’re building a tool that greets users, you might write something like:

const greet = (name: string) => {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

const userName: string = process.argv[2];

This simple program takes a name as a command-line argument and prints a greeting message.

Using Node.js APIs

You can leverage various Node.js APIs to enhance your command-line tool. For instance, the fs module can be used to read from and write to files, making your tool capable of handling file inputs and outputs.

Handling Command-Line Arguments

The process.argv array contains command-line arguments passed to your script. The first two elements are the path to the Node.js executable and the script file being executed, so your actual arguments start from index 2.

Compilation To compile your TypeScript code to JavaScript, run:

npx tsc

This command reads your tsconfig.json and compiles your .ts files to .js files, typically outputting them in a dist or build folder, depending on your configuration.


Running Your Compiled JavaScript Navigate to the directory containing your compiled JavaScript file and run:

node dist/index.js <YourName>

Replace with your actual name to see the greeting message.

To test your command-line tool without globally installing it, you can use npm link. This command creates a symbolic link from the global node_modules directory to your project, allowing you to run your tool by its name:

npm link
my-cli-tool <YourName>


Debugging TypeScript code can be done using source maps or through integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code, which offer built-in debugging tools. Ensure your tsconfig.json includes “sourceMap”: true to generate source maps for your compiled JavaScript, aiding in debugging.

Happy Ending, Happy Coding

You’ve now learned the basics of creating a command-line tool with TypeScript, from setting up your project and writing the tool’s logic to compilation, execution, and debugging. TypeScript’s robust typing system and compatibility with JavaScript make it an ideal choice for developing command-line tools. As you become more comfortable with TypeScript, consider exploring more complex projects and leveraging additional Node.js APIs and TypeScript features to enhance your command-line tools.